Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jill Treat, 4-21-13, Images for Critique



For my last two images for critique I chose to try and emulate Raymond Meeks.  I have really enjoyed looking at all of his photos.  I really like the way he takes his portraits.  They are unique and it appears he is using them to tell a story.  I found him inspiring when it comes to taking pictures of people.  It has helped me to look at the people I love and enjoy taking photos of, not to just have them stand and smile but catch them in a moment of thought.  His landscape photos are so different and show a simple beauty that I will not copy but be inspired by.  During this course I have worked to find the type of photographer I want to be and I always seem to go back to pictures of people and landscapes.  I have found  in order to inspire and be inspired by my pictures I need to take pictures that are not typical but show an artistic approach.  I feel that I have grown in the way I approach a possible picture and how it will be taken.  I know that I still have a long way to go to get the picture I want but I will continue to play and experiment and take chances so that I continue to improve. 

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