Sunday, April 7, 2013

Harry O. Johnson Jr, 4/7/2013, Images For Critique.

The portrait I utilized for My Images for critique is a Portrait of my mother. I chose her not only

because she was a more than willing subject, but based strongly on my single parent upbringing. She 

somehow managed to raise two children while working three jobs for as long as I remember. I for one 

am very proud of that because it has inspired me to be a major part of my son's life.

       The background is the same street I walked to the bus stop to go to school. The car pulling in the 

driveway is Mr. Waters, the only retired WWII vet I know. He still has an American flag Posted on a 

pole very similar to what you would see at the post office posted in his yard.  The second picture is a

photo of what used to be a military recruiter's office. As I drove by I began to think about all the 

military service members who may have started their career here. I chose the wide angle approach

because I wanted the whole building in the frame.  Im by no means compairable to Susan Worsham

but I can say I feel like I really tried.

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