Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cameron Longest, 4/21/13, Images for Critique

The last weeks of class I have chosen to study and emulate the wonderful work of Tyson Rininger. Tyson does some aviation photography along with other art type photography and also corporate photos. I came across Rininger after talking to a fellow pilot at the airport who actually met Tyson years ago at an air show. I mentioned I was in a photography class and he insisted I look at his work right then and pulled up his work on his phone for me to see. I really enjoy not only his aviation photography but also the corporate and stock photos he makes. I tried my best with the time I had this week to emulate some of his work. Without a quality lens and safety pilot this week I was unable to get any aerial photos but I really want to plan on getting some of those by the end of the semester. I noticed that in his "architecture" collection on his website he seemed to do a lot of macro depth of field shots so I tried my best at shooting some similar to those. I loosely based this weeks photos on the photos I saw when looking through his galleries and hope I did Rininger justice.

1 comment:

  1. Love the clarity/blur/depth of field in your last few images!
