Taking 250 pictures this week was fun, enjoyable, and made my camera become yellow with pollen. I primarily took pictures from inside and outside of my home. This week, I chose Terri Weifenbach's photographs for inspiration. I chose this person because her photos are spectacular, and her pictures gave me the motivation to try and emulate her style in any way possible. In addition, most of her photos are primarily of nature, which is one of the several types of photography that I find interesting. Some of her photos are close-ups of nature, while others portray a scene within nature. As a result, most of the posted pictures that I took for this week are of nature scenes similar to the scenes within Weifenbach's images. I primarily looked at Terri Weifenbach's image set called Secret. The pictures within this set are the most inspirational to me because they possess spectacular views of flowers and other items.
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