Sunday, April 14, 2013

Jill Treat, 4-14-13, Images for Critique

I really enjoyed this week's assignment.  It gave me an opportunity to explore the settings of my camera and produce the type of photography that I enjoy.  I really focused this week on using the proper settings and to play and learn through trial and error.  I was able to work on the depth of field and I found that once I played around with the settings I was able to get the look I was trying for.  Before this week I really struggled with that but after taking hundreds of pictures I was able to accomplish and over come some of the obstacles that I have encountered.  As I mentioned in my artist critique I really like black and white photos.  The first photo is the bridge at Belle Isle we were walking under the bridge and I looked up and took a picture.  I liked the angle that I took it from it adds a different perspective because it is not a typical photo of a bridge.  For the two nature photos I used the settings to get a short depth of field and to blur the background.  The artist I was trying to emulate this week gave me a specific direction and challenge to work towards. 

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