Sunday, April 14, 2013

Amy McVaugh, Artist Post, 4.13.13

" Things that are melancholy, things that I might think about when I am dead.  Or maybe things that make me think about being dead...  Or people that I will miss when I am dead or people who might miss me when I am dead.  All of this is pure speculation for the moment really as I am not actually dead, just yet.  So, we have to wait and see for now."-Gordon Stettinius

This week I chose Gordon Stettinius as my artist to emulate.
His work struck a cord with me this week with his 'Gord is Dead' series. I know this sounds completely whacked, but once I started looking at each of his portfolios, there was no stopping. I then went to his blog, loved his posts, and now am on a mission to visit Candelas books, which he founded.

His artwork actually makes so much sense to me that I want to learn more about his work and the work of those he promotes. The whole reason he founded Candelas books is an interesting one. You can find all his information at

The top photo I liked because it is so balanced. I like the slight blur of the well lit photo entitled 'Dream Girl', representative of  a faded but vivid memory of someone special. The vibrant color of the flowers against the dead branches illustrates an unending memory, even with the passage of time.

The second picture I loved. Simply put, look at your life and enjoy it. In a wonderfully bizarre way, Mr. Stettinius reminds each of us there is only guarantee in life, and that is death. How do you want to be remembered? What will you be sorry you did or didn't do?  You only have one life, make it count!

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