Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heather Green, 4/7/2013, Artist Post

Raymond Meeks - Artist

When I looked through this book of pictures Raymond Meeks had, I was very interested from the first section. I found these two pictures on page eight of his twenty-one page book. The top picture of the woman captured my eye because of the aspects of the image. It's black and white, but that's not too important. In the top part of the image you see a tree branch with just a small amount of leaves on it. The woman is looking down or her eyes are closed tight. Her head piece which comes all the way down her body is very loose yet covers so much. You wonder if she is religious or just cold. 

The second picture was a lot nicer to me than the other pictures of Landscape he had. It's so simple. The tree branches are cut off screen. It makes me wonder, "Is this attached to a tree or is someone off camera holding a tree branch, and if they were why can't we see their shadow like the other tree that is off camera?".  In the background you see a lake or a body of water near a mountain. I love nature, especially all different types in one image. The grass is not very healthy or green. And also I assume there is a road there beside the shadow. This image is great because it makes me wonder about why the parts of nature are where they are in the photograph. 

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