Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jill Treat, 4-11-13, Artist Post


I chose Robbie Becklund as my artist post this week, I really like the black and white images he has produced of landscapes and cityscapes.  I look at cityscapes and feel amazed that humans made this happen.  That a bridge can take you from one side to the other where it would be very difficult  if the bridge did not exist.  I feel that  black and white photos make the image seem more still.  The landscapes of nature are done with an artistic touch that I would love to one day be able to accomplish.  Where water looks like fog and snow looks like clouds.  I find myself drawn to black and white images whether it be of people, landscapes or objects.  I like to think back when there wasn't color and you had to use your imagination to create the scene with color.  It takes some of the distraction away from what the photographer is trying to express. 

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