Friday, April 5, 2013

Derek Devon Woodley 4-5-2013 Artist Post "Raymond Meeks/ 2 Solitude"

          My observation of the first photo title (Abby, Hannah Fox Hill 2012,2012). I see two females skipping in a field. Trees are in the background. There are a group of ducks in thier path. The two ladies have on summer attire (shorts and tank tops). The grass in the field is cut short. The photographer has taken the photo behid

them, not showing their face. Photo looks like its in black and white. The women have their hair wrap up. The second photo has a tall gentleman in a field. He is wearing a skull cap, short sleeves, and long pants. Their is a large stone on side of him. The grass is ankle high. In the background of the photo their is fog and a tree line. The large stone has tall weeds among it. This photo was taken early in the moring. The Ramymond Meeks / 2 Solitude photos are appealing and different but interesting.   

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