Sunday, January 27, 2013

Shannon Richardson, 1/27/13, Image for Critique

This week I took my camera everywhere and this was one of the places that I appreciate.  I initially planned to go to the museum but thanks to the freak mini snow storm on Friday, I was unable to make it.  I appreciate this place as both a patient and a health care professional.  As a child I had many visits to the hospital and I remember having the nicest nurses.  This week my boyfriend and I went to visit his father after his hip replacement surgery I started to snap away.

The first picture taken is of the hospital beds that lines the wall along the unit.  I thought it was odd that the beds were lined up along the wall and not inside the rooms. I also noticed how old the beds were. I have never seen beds that had knobs that were loosened and tightened to adjust the height of the bed.  The second picture is of one of the occupational therapists that i noticed walking the unit. Her name escapes me but she was very kind and agreed to pose or a picture for me.   I noticed her because she appeared to be in a good mood. We all have been in a situation where we have seen someone in a healthcare setting at work and they don't all look as approachable or in as good of a mood as she did.

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