Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cam Longest, 1/27/13, Images for Critique

For the environment assignment this week, I chose a scene that stood out to me, the image on top is a view across the airport looking at two military fighter aircraft starting their engines, notice the image blur as a result of the exhaust gas temperature these engines produce. I met a guy named Mike while standing around for 15 minutes who is a pilot as well which made things less awkward when I approached him and started chatting and then asking to take his picture. The image below is one I took while these two planes were making their way to the runway about to takeoff and climb out to their destination, whats interesting to me about this photo is that Mike is not paying any attention to them! I don't know what he was looking for over that direction but it was just funny I caught him staring over there with such curiosity. If I had to take this photo again I would have messed around with the settings to change the depth of field to get just a little more detail on Mikes face to show his expression more clearly.

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