Friday, January 25, 2013

Jill Treat, 1-25-13, Image for critique


There were alot of options that I could have chosen for my favorite environment.  One of my favorite locations to visit is the bookstore.  Since I had the opportunity to go there this week I felt it was the perfect place for me to choose for this week's assignment.  I go there several times a month for different reasons.  As I think back on the times I went this past year I realized that I not only went for books on diets, exercise, religion and travel.  I also went for my daughter's assignments, gifts and to just sit and chat with a friend.  When I was looking around to find a patron to photograph I saw this woman just sitting.  She didn't have a book or anything for that matter, so I approached her and ask if I could take her photo. She was a little hesitant but was willing to give me a quick smile for this photo.  Later I learned that she was there for a business meeting with a colleague.  I really had not thought much about the different  uses of the bookstore until I stopped and pondered the reasons I go there. After taking a picture of this woman and finding out a little about her reason for being there, I realized that she also uses this location for other reasons besides buying books.  In my first photo I was trying to capture long depth of field so that when you look at it you can get a clear picture of the bookstore.  When I was taking a photo of the woman I was trying to blur the background and sharpen the foreground.                   

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