Sunday, January 20, 2013

Alex Clark, 1/20/13, Artist Post

Artist: Todd Hido
Pictures from: (I could not get the pictures to be linked, since the website does not allow anyone to just copy and paste the image into a document.  Instead, I had to hit the Print Screen button and edit the print screens in Paint.)

The artist that I chose is Todd Hido.  These pictures are from his series known as "Art of Darkness."  I chose these images because they seemed very appropriate for the mood that was created during this past week of rain and snow.  Both photographs possess houses with one light on, which may state that even though the outside world can be dark and dreary, a family that stays together will always stick through the gloomy times.  In addition, the family will always help each other reach the right path by shining a light in the direction of the route.  Finally, the cars in the bluish-hued picture may demonstrate how one grows from a child to an adult and how an adult's life can be gloomy while a child's life can be bright.

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