Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Heather Green, 1.16.13, Artist Post

Neil Dacosta - Artist

So this is my second attempt at following directions and posting correctly. These pictures are taken by Neil Dacosta at the end of the NASA program, he wondered what happened to the people who dedicated their lives to space. What they loved was literally the whole world away from them. I had to hold myself back from posting all the pictures he put on his website. They were all different ways of suicide, while the man is still in his suit. He is so dedicated to space that he will die for it. The first picture was him finding out that the space program is done forever. The second one was him sticking his head in the oven. He has taken off his helmet but his identity is still covered. The third one was an overdose. The fourth one is the most shocking, in my opinion. It shows a chair knocked over and him floating, but he's not floating naturally. The last one shows him after he plummeted to his death. Ironic how he jumped off the bridge. I feel like it's saying that space is a better place than this cruel world that is weighed down by the hatred of this world. Space is so clean and beautiful. There were three people who made this collection possible. I put the links beside them because they were all big names on the project. They are all talented in what they do and it is amazing!

Photographer: Neil Dacosta
Art Director: Sara Phillips
Retouching: Saskia Thomson 

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