Saturday, January 19, 2013

Miranda Moriarty, 1.19.13, Artist Post

Alexis Vasilikos - artist

Alexis Vasilikos' website

I chose the top picture because I found her use of shadows very interesting. There is no "in-between" shade from the light shining to the dark shadows on either side of the main subject. Aside from the dark contrast, they image overall reads to me as playful, youthful and fun. The children in the photo appear to be playing some kind of game, and you can almost hear their laughter. The bottom photograph has an entirely different feeling. The image itself is very light and colorful. However, you can tell that there is a story there that is most likely not as cheery as the image appears. How did this person lose their leg? What have they seen and done that I haven't? I hope you all find her work as interesting as I did.

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