Sunday, January 27, 2013

Heather Swift 1/27/13 Images for Critique


The enviroment that I appreciate the most would be my house. I have lived here since I was 2 years old, it hold tons of great memories and tons of bad ones too. This house holds my whole like inside of the walls. Our neighbors moved out of their house that they had grew up in to move to a different location in Powhatan. It took a while but last week the house next door finally got sold and we got new neighbors. The thing about my road and neighbors is that I was the only girl near my age so my whole childhood I was hanging with the boys. The new neighbors we got this past week have a daughter named Shannon. I met her when I was outside with my dogs, I guess she heard me talking to them because they were being hard headed. She walked over and introdued herself. She had moved here from Washington State and they moved because of her father's job. I invited her in for dinner and she stayed till like midnight. We talked so long I felt like I had known her for year and finally after 16 years I get to have a neighbor that's a girl and my age, something I had wished for everyday as a little girl. It's funny how things work sometimes.

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