Thursday, January 24, 2013

Heather Green, 1.24.13, Artist Post

Thomas Barbèy - Artist

This guy is one talented man. He didn't use Photoshop to create these wonderful works. He used "sandwich-ing" and carefully printing pictures together in a way that made them trick the human eye. The first picture is about taking chances. He explains that life is full of obstacles. We all have to make a leap to get past those obstacles. The second picture mixes two famous known landmarks in one city. He is actually referring to the creative mind of his teenage self. He always got capitals mixed up in school, so he put them together. The third picture mixes a zebra into the keys of a piano. These are two more of his childhood interests; music and animals. The fourth picture shows how dangerous the seas are, even if they aren't always hot. The final picture shows that there are still people that work hard to create something from the GROUND up. Ground as in the dirt coming out of the subject's hands. This man's work amazes me. It is now sold for thousands of dollars. It's all beautiful. 

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