Sunday, January 27, 2013

Amy McVaugh, 1.27.13, Artist Post Amy Stein


I absolutely hate the picture on the left. It certainly fills me with emotion. The one on the right is emotional too, but in a different way.
Amy Stein's series, "Domesticated", felt very familiar to me. I have volunteered as a Wildlife Rehabilitator and worked in the veterinary field for several years. I have encountered the aftermath of man many times when dealing with injured wildlife. Animals with jars stuck on their heads, plastic bags, pesticides and poisons and idiots like the two boys pictured above. What is most upsetting is when man moves into a "wild" area to enjoy the scenery, avoid the busy hustle and bustle of cities and watch the wildlife. Most often, man then becomes furious when the bunnies eat his (or her) flowers, gardens or the squirrels nest in their attic. Quite often I think man is the most arrogant of species and perhaps not the most intelligent. We pollute our oceans, poison the earth with chemicals and raze wildlife habitat with no regard to the impact on our fellow creatures. Ms. Stein's photographs are a very effective reminder to give cause to stop and think how our actions impact our world and perhaps be a bit more tolerant of the wildlife.

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