Sunday, February 3, 2013

Shannon Richardson, 2/3/2013, Images for Critique

 Over Exposed
Under Exposed

This week I decided to go to the library to experiment with the settings that we learned about this week.  It was really difficult to narrow it down to just two photos.  The first photo was taken at one of the exhibits located on the third floor.  It is a white marble pavilion that is from India that has been named the Garden Pavilion.  I added the link to the VMFA page that has info on the exhibit and was surprised to see how similar my image looks to the one captured.  The second photo was of some sort of glass chandelier that is part of the Chihuly special exhibit.  The artist, Dale Chihuly, uses glass as a medium for various types of art.  Chihuly has made some amazing sculptures out of glass...(he even has his own app!).  I found this the lesson from last class to be extremely helpful.  It is amazing how the lighting in the photo can be adjusted to compensate for inadequate, or too much light.

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