Sunday, February 17, 2013

Harry Johnson Jr, 2/17/2013, Images for critique.

My Images for critique  demonstrate the harsh realities of being a War Vet.  Combat Veterans are more

likely to have substance abuse issues, deal with Psychological  issues related to service, and  twice as

likely to commit suicide. When the welcome home banners, and the yellow ribbons  are removed  that's

when reality sets in. No combat vet is really prepared for the war at home. How can you obtain, and

maintain a gain full occupation when you have spent at least the last four years of your life preparing

for combat, or have been to war at least one tour. Its funny how when you volunteer to do a job no one

else could not imagine themselves doing you are a hero. When you can not conform, or adapt back to

society's standards because of that job, you then become labeled as "unproductive". Where is the real

hero?, who is really getting screwed?

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