Sunday, February 24, 2013

Heather Green, 2.24.13, Artist Post

Celeste Nelms - Artist




This week I chose Celeste Nelms. She is very famous for Sephia-toned work. The website of hers I found wasn't very helpful, but the YouTube interview with her was helpful. She was raised in a poor home, she says that she uses the simplest things in her work because that's all she had.  The first picture fascinated me the most. It was this really long picture with simple copy paper! That's so simple but yet so awesome. The second picture I had no idea what she had in her hand, but it took me back to my childhood in Georgia. I used to sleep outside and just relax and do nothing. This picture brings me peace. Then you see this picture of a girl's bandanna with a building on it as the same as the one in the background. I thought this was some kind of foreign hope type of picture. Like a foreigner coming to America after a struggle. And when they finally do come to America, they realize all the freedom is hard to take in. I highly recommend this artist. 

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