Sorry for the crude ending to my paragraph last week. I realize that I said something very sensitive then just got angry out of nowhere. But this is a very heart-wrenching part of my life to talk about with anyone, let alone take pictures of for twenty people at my school. These are a series of pictures of my family going through the time of my parents' divorce, or soon to be. The first picture is of my dad. I took this without him knowing. He has been feeling down for almost two years. All in two years his mother past, his family almost died in a car crash, and his daughter got married and moved far away. There isn't a bottle in the shot, but he is sleeping at the kitchen table from being too, well... from drinking a little too much. It's his crutch, I hate to say. But the second picture is of the sign in my mother's room. Her crutch is prayer. Ever since the accident she has used God and Prayer to get her through the day. The third picture is of her in the back ground and the picture of her, my little brother, and myself in the foreground. I intended to take my face out of the picture with the light. Mainly because the picture says "My Hero", and I am no hero. I got her that picture on Mother's Day of 2011, not even a month after our accident. All three of us in the picture where in the wreck. I put this in with the rest of the pictures because that wreck is one reason why my parents are being torn apart. His crutch is knocking over hers. I am sorry to go into great detail about these pictures and my personal life. The best pictures are the ones the photographer puts her heart and soul on the line for. It broke my heart to take these pictures, mainly because giving up is not how they raised me.
Not sure if this will help or not Heather, but sometimes we confuse acceptance as "giving up". I do hope your photography helps you to deal with what sounds like a hard time in your life. I know I've found it very cathartic and your pictures show your emotion. I hope this class helps to give you the same experience, and helps you to heal. Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you and your family the best.