Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Heather Green, 2/12/13, This Week's Interest

You recommended that we chose another subject than Family for many legitimate reasons. I however have a new twist on this common picture. I will get personal for a minute here, I am sick of smiley pictures of families. Everyone puts on an act, like for example around Christmas time when everyone gathers after a long year of being apart. My family is too much like that and I hate when people aren't honest. If you're an actor, you're also a liar. My interest this week is something I am dealing with right now and I will probably have to deal with for a long time. "Sometimes Love just dies" would be the title. My parents are going through a divorce, and the pictures will be of why that is. I am sorry if this is too personal for a college class, but fuck it. Love is offensive.

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