Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cameron Gowen, 2/17/13, Images for critique

This week I picked something I can really relate to, the gym and exercise  More specifically I focused on the subject of "Determination". I've always been into exercising and I had a friend of mine come to me one day asking for help. He told me he wanted to lose a few pounds and get toned up because he was being way to lazy lately and started to gain weight. I knew it'd be a fun task to take on and I am always up for helping people become healthier. It was definitely going to be a challenge to get him back into shape considering he hated working out. But he put all of it behind him and stuck it out. I started to train with him with a lot of intense cardio since he said he was determined to lose the weight. It was tough trying to catch some of the better moments of his workout, considering your not suppose to take pictures in the gym, but I tried my best to sneak everything in avoiding employees.

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