Monday, February 18, 2013

Shannon Richardson, 2/18/13, Images for Critique

The topic that I chose this week was "life"...I was more concerned with it from the aspect of adulthood and all that is expected/comes out of it (the positives).  As I mentioned, I am in my mid twenties and everyone around me is either engaged, are homeowners, or are entering parenthood.  The three images that I chose to post are of the three things that I wish that I had the time to accomplish now.  School takes up so much of my time and is all that I am able to think about at times.  Although  I am appreciative that I am in school and where it will take me, I just want to be able to relax, and do normal adult things.  I want to be able to spend time with my significant other.... unhurried, unscheduled time that allows leisurely walks while holding hands.  I want to become a homeowner without having to think about school first.  I want to get married, buy my first home, and start a family.  I absolutely love the bottom image.  My best friend had triplets this past summer and this is "Baby #1", Messiah.  Children bring so much joy and love into the world and I cannot wait to experience this for myself.  Sometimes, when interacting/spending time with children, it completely occupies me and has a sort of calming effect.  While in their company, I temporarily forget about all the worries and stresses that accompany life.

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