Saturday, February 16, 2013

Harvey Johnson, 2/16/2013, Artist Post Gordon Parks

These images and film excite me because of the craftsmanship and time in my life that some of them were taken. They are just a few used by ABC News in celebrating the life of Mr. Gordon Parks.  A photographer, filmmaker, composer and writer and the first African-American to work for Life magazine and the first to write, direct and score a Hollywood film, with ”Shaft” in 1971. I selected these three photos titled “Bessie and Little Richard”, “Emerging Man” and “Homeless Man” because to me they represent despair, disconnection and loneliness. Even a photographer can be in the same or similar position as the photos above. I've known both misery and happiness; lived in so many different skins it is impossible for one skin to claim me. And I felt like a wayfarer on an alien planet at times – walking, running, wondering about what brought me to this particular place, and why. But once I was here the dreams started moving in, and I went about devouring them as they devoured me.” – Gordon Parks. I wonder if I may be wrong when pondering the images above because they may not need a brick and mortar structure in order to be pleased with their housing existence.

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