Saturday, February 9, 2013

Harvey Johnson, 2/9/2013, Image For Critique

The three images shown above are an emulation of the unique photography by Ben Greenberg. The first image is entitled “Richmond VA Downtown View” which along with my next two images were captured using an ISO setting of 100 but this picture respectively was taken with the exposure program and white balance set to manual. The F-Stop was set at f/6.3 with an exposure time of 1/60th. of a second and a metering mode reading center weighted average, the focal length at 135mm and a deep depth of field. The next image entitled “Henrico Co. Osborne Gazebo” has a shallow depth of field with an F-stop of f/8 and exposure time set at 1/40th. of a second, with the focus length set at 28mm. The last image entitled “Rocketts Landing Sunset” was done with an F-stop of f/10 and an exposure time set at 1/125th. of a second and a metering mode reading center weighted average with a deep depth of field. While observing my works I believe my images would be more picturesque if I had used a wide angle lens during my landscape photo shoot.

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