Saturday, February 2, 2013

Heather Green, 2/2/13, Artist Post

Takeshi Moro - Artist

This is the artist Takeshi Moro. This is a part of the collection called "Collecting Apologies". He collected a bunch of people with different regrets and burdens in their life. He photographed them praying, apologizing. Each of these tell a different story. The first picture looks like a picture being taken without the girl's consent. She probably has a bunch of burdens on her heart and she's tired of feeling heartbroken. It's kind of like her parent's are looking in on her. The second picture is a boy in the middle of a field. He looks like he is alone. There is a crowd over on the left, he looks like he's been excluded. Maybe he is just tired of being alone. The third picture is of a man in the back of a truck. He kind looks like he has been put through so much in his life and the things he's done he just doesn't want to keep around anymore. This collection is only composed of six pictures but he made them all so eye-opening and realistic. 

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