Sunday, February 3, 2013

Justin Piaoan 2/3/13 Image for Critique

    Here lie the two champion shots out of all the 250 that I took. The first shot is my illustration of underexposure. I set my camera to an ISO of 400 with the shutter spreed of 3 seconds and the aperture of 20. In this shot I lied on the ground to try and capture the essence of this street corner. The bright lights from inside the medical store represents a safe haven for people that are mending their injuries or to crutch/bury their will to get better. The light trails represents how fast, we as people live that lead to that safe haven. Why, do we even rush ourselves that it gets to that point? Is there even a need to do? Those questions are solely for each individual on their own.
    The grainy texture and roughness of the pavement represent how harsh our journey really is, and it's unintentional that there is a piece of shit lying on the walkway, but that just collides with the point of the harsh journey. Yeah, life maybe shitty, but one has to make the best of what you have, it's simple ,but due to our over analytical nature and hard headed-ness we over complicate things and overcast ourselves with to much worry.
    The next picture is my overexposed photo. I'm not sure what I set my camera too, but I definitely thought this was my best shot. I walked into martins with my camera ready, placed it in the basket, and walked around the store, shooting away doing my best no to look suspicious. In hopes that I got a solid shot, to which I did, and a tennis swooping victory fist motion occured.
    I view this photograph on a radical level, that we instant gratify ourselves and the food market industry revels themselves in their dead president pits. Though they do an amazing service by being a provider, keeping us from being famished; They get us with those bonus deals of buying more items leaving us enticed to spend more than we wanted to. That thought though doesn't come into play until hours of driving away from the store. Sometimes we don't realize that we didn't need to spend all this money in the first place, and some of these items we buy become a waste collecting in our fridge, and freezers because we have too much of a good thing that we grow tired of it.

1 comment:

  1. I love the top picture of the street corner...looks like it's a few miles from the VCU Campus on W. Broad. GREAT SHOT!!!
