Monday, February 4, 2013

Artist post 2/4/2013 Brittany Shaw

I thought I'd shake it up this week with Matthew Brandt, a photographer that lives and works in LA. I HATE most of Brandt's work. Shane never said to put up an artist you like so here I am posting about an artist I really hate for the most part. I first saw the picture directly above, and hated it so that's the feeling I went with. It's abstract, its unique, but I really get this arrogance from the majority of his work, it's just a pit feeling in my stomach that he's just such a douche bag, I really can't explain it further than  that. His work although I despise much of it is interesting in the way it's created. I took a blurb out from and interview from Dazed Digital .com, it says, "The procedure in making the Lakes and Reservoirs is fairly simple. I visit a lake and/or reservoir. I photograph it and collect water from it, then make a C-print of this photograph and soak it in the water that was collected. The outcome is the reaction of the image of this lake or reservoir that has been soaked in its own water over a period of time. They are circumstances of a Lakes’ image that meets its real substance." So that's apparently how he created the above picture with the actual material from the lakes he took pictures with. Obviously, they were taken with film. The only picture I really made a connection with was the first. I've either seen a similar road in farmville or I've actually been on that road but somewhere that picture struck a chord with me and I find it absolutely gorgeous. You can see all of his strange collections on his site, Check it out, unless you hate it like me!

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