Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jill Treat, 2-28-13, Artist Post
The artist I chose for this week is Theresa Fernandez from  Frisco, Tx.  She is a food photographer that is hired by restaurants to photograph their food for magazines, advertisements etc..
I chose her because I was looking and researching various photographers trying to get new ideas to explore with my camera and food photography popped out at me.  When I saw her pictures I thought they were unique and you can tell that she really utilizes the various settings on the camera.  This type of photography I feel with give me specific challenges that I hope will help me improve the quality of my photographs by using the proper settings.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jeanette Wright, 02/27/13, Artist Post

Tom Kirsch is a graphic designer and programmer. He has extensively photographed places that are abandoned - power plants, psychiatric hospitals, schools, amusement parks, crypts. Sometimes he explores with permission and other times he sneaks around. He feels there is something important being said by the rotting floors and faded paint and cracked, peeling walls.

 amusement park

 tuberculosis hospital
athletic field
power plant

Monday, February 25, 2013

Artist post 2/25/2013 Brittany Shaw

William Wegman is a very peculiar fellow to me, although I am sure I am very bizarre to others as well so what gives me the right to say weather he is normal or not. He is an artist that works well in his comfort zone, taking many black and white photos and MANY pictures of his dog. I do believe that you should make art from what you love but Jesus this man kinda took it over board. He poses the dog in odd ways and gets his picture.. all I have to say is that dog is remarkably trained. On his website there is a video that first comes up upon entry of him teaching his dog how to spell. Odd dude man... Wegman was born in Massachusetts in 1943, and lives in new york and maine now still photographing and painting pictures.  Apparently he did work for "Wegman has created film and video works for Saturday Night Live and Nickelodeon and his video segments for Sesame Street have appeared regularly since 1989" So he was a man of many hats in  the art world and still is today. His webiste is; 

image for critique 2/25/2013 Brittany Shaw

In my photos this week I used the woods as a background wood, as well as an over 100 year old house that I have discovered near my house. I tried to use the same theme as far as "opposites attract",
by using two people who look very modern compared to their background. Another way they relate to the theme, they are relatives but look nothing alike. I'm having trouble I really thought my theme was rock solid at first but I am realizing more and more that well... frankly it sucks eggs.

Leslie Prigge 2/24/2013 Image for Critique

Leslie Prigge 2/24/2013 Image for Critique
Leslie Prigge-Artist

These are images I took in another class and I think they look very cool. Its hard for me to take different pictures because I am either at home or at school. So this is what I have come up with. I think they are interesting and different.

Jeanette Wright, 02/25/13, Images for Critique



My concept is about garbage and how we are surrounded by it and don't always know what to do with it. Garbage is trash that is picked up on the curb, thrown in the street by litterbugs, piled up in junkyards, and spit out of smoke stacks, among other things. We live in an entitled society. Too many people think it is someone else's job to pick up their garbage and that is why we find it in the street, in parking lots, in trees. Even when little bags are provided for us, too many folks don't pick up after their dogs. Garbage is bad words out of someone's mouth or written on a wall. It's all the junk piled up at Goodwill, personifying the "one man's junk is another man's treasure" adage. A sad example of garbage is a home that is allowed to rot to the ground.

Alex Clark, 2/25/13, Images for Critique

Taking 250 pictures this week proved to be a bit challenging due to studying for History and Geography tests.  Luckily, I managed to achieve the weekly photography goal.  As usual, the images were taken around my home as well as my neighborhood.  This week, I continued to take photographs that demonstrated the concept of love.  As before, these images possess colors and symbols to represent the concept.  In some of the pictures, I utilized a red lens to symbolize the color of love.

Alex Clark, 2/25/13, Artist Post

Artist Used: Alessandro Zocchi
Images from: and

The artist that I chose for this week is Alessandro Zocchi.  Zocchi is a macro photographer who primarily takes photographs of plants and animals.  I chose this photographer because he inspires me to do more macro photography.  His photography also challenges me to find the interesting, keen, and surreal in nature and in the world.

Emma Prigge Image For Critique 2-24-13

Emma Prigge
Image For Critique

This is me trying to capture a deer. I was afraid to get to close for it don't run away. when i got him i was told that it was fake, its for hunters or solders to practuse. So i am glad i didn't get to close i could have got shot. But i figured out how to clean the picture up it took like 13 shots.

Emma Prigge Arties Post 2-24-13

Emma Prigge
Artist Post

Andrey Bogush

Arno Schidlowski

I have choosen to beautiful pictures. Frist is Andrey Bogush, I choose this for the colors and the way the lights hit the nature. Second is Arno Schidlowski, its a beautiful horse and a fly its great that he caught the moment the fly is on the face. With the light its just great. I want to take pictures of animals and this is it. Beautiful.

Leslie Prigge 2/24/2013 Artist Post

Leslie Prigge 2/24/2013 Artist Post
Anne Schwalbe-Artist

Schlucht, 2012 / Vulkan oder Stein (11) / 26
   - All rights reserved. Copyright: Anne Schwalbe

Sand II, 2010 / Vulkan oder Stein (15) / 26
   - All rights reserved. Copyright: Anne Schwalbe

Kies II, 2011 / Vulkan oder Stein (21) / 26
   - All rights reserved. Copyright: Anne Schwalbe

This artist makes pictures that I am interested in. I like all the cracks and details that can be seen. I think these are very clear images. I think that Anne Schwalbe makes the same kind of images I would. Nature is awesome to look at and even more so in this way.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cameron Gowen, 2/25/13, Artist Post

I decided to go with Nilgun Kara for my Artist post this week, she has a pretty strong story behind her meaning and passion with her photography. She was a graphic designer, and studied art collage in college. She taught disabled children to paint as a type of therapy, and has now replaced the paint brush with the camera. She sticks to mainly natural things in nature for her photos, and still paints in her spare time. Her work is so intriguing and it emits such a subtle feeling. Though they are all in black and white, which is unique to her specific style of photography.

Justin Piaoan 2/24/13 Images For Critique

Here are my further attempts to capture the feeling of lonliness.

Harry O Johnson Jr. 2/24/2013, Images For Critique

This week I  selected three images for critique that  I thought were relevant to my one concept 

project. They are a Marine Corps recruiting poster, Esquire cover. and ASVAB study guide.

I thought about the book and magizine cover as I stroled throug Books-a-million. I saw the recruiting

poster as I headed back to my car. I then began to wonder if  you are really dumb for joining the 

military because you are going to get used, and screwed over in the end. How is it that the Navy Seal

that killed Bin Laden cant even obtain gainful employment, yet no one cares? Why is this happening

so frequently? Who is supposed to help these so called heros, and heriones adapt back to a life that they

once knew, yet became so out of touch with? It seems like people only care if it is someone in their life. 

Jill Treat, 2-24-13, Images for Critique

This week I am continuing to share the struggles and hope for those with mental illness.  Last week my post focused on a specific disorder of OCD.  This week I decided to post pictures that express depression.  My first photo shows the loneliness and darkness that accompanies someone that feels sad and hopeless.  My second photo is of trees that look confused and blurry, to me this represents someone that struggles daily to feel happy and prays for  clear thoughts.  My last photo represents hope through music that someone may hear or create themselves.    Everyone that I know that has suffered from a type of depression whether it is severe or minor have found help through coping skills or if needed with a professional.   

Harry O Johnson Jr, 2/24/2013, Artist Post

The artist I selected for my artist post was Gordon Parks. Gordon Parks was most interested in portraits,

and fashion images. He purchased his first camera in 1938, six months later he was selling portraits

outside of an Eastman Kodak shop. Persistence, and persuasion were major contributors to Gordon's

success at his largely self taught talent.(photography). Gordon is considered one of the 50 most

influential photographers of the post- World War years. He also was a filmmaker, and a writer. He

worked, and contributed to LIFE  Magazine from 1948- 1972.  He died at the age of 93.