Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shannon Richardson, Artist Post, 3/30/2013

 The artist post this week is on Susan Worsham.  These images are from the portfolio entitled "By the Grace of God."  The image above is entitled Eterna-Crib.  I think the box sitting on the table makes the image strong.  The box is for an infant casket.  This photo makes me wonder if they are planning or holding a funeral for a small child.  The color of the carpet gives hints to where the image was taken (either a funeral home or a church).    The image is well exposed and I feel that the beam of light that hits the table draws your eyes to the box, highlighting the object. 
This image is entitled "Keith's Son's"  The majority of the photo is underexposed but the faces of the children are adequately exposed by the light coming in from a window.  The kids look out of place. They also look like they do not want to be there and are patiently waiting until they can leave. There's a lot going on in the underexposed areas of the photo.  It appears to have been taken in an area that no longer appears to be in service (like an old deli or business of some sort).  I think the intentional "selective" underexposure makes this image a strong image.

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