Sunday, March 3, 2013

Amy McVaugh, 3.3.13, Images for Critique

 This weeks challenge was fairly difficult due to both my work schedule and lack of access to the animals in dire circumstance. I had thought about staging a common scene where dogs are found bound and abandoned in the woods, but two of my dogs came from sad backgrounds and I wasn't willing to risk a loss of trust or traumatizing them.
     My top photo shows a dog rescued from dog fighting. You can still see the scars on his face and his ribs. For dog fighters, starvation is part of the animals training. This dog is lucky, a group willing to work with fighters took him in. Most pits bulls are never even given a chance.
     The second dog, Mitzi, had been surrendered by her owner, along with her eight puppies. The owner never had her spayed and was disgusted with the dog when she became pregnant.
     The third picture is just a sampling of the dogs at the adoption event held every Sunday. It kind of hit me, watching the people walk around, spending money on frivolous pet items and thinking about pictures number four and fives, how sad it is that animals die by injection, gassing and even at human hands every day, strictly because no one wants them. They truly are victims of circumstance.

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