Saturday, May 4, 2013

Paragraph for Critique, Harvey Johnson, 5-4-2013, EQUILIBRIUM

As this semester comes to closure chronologically it leads me introspectively to search for a deeper photographic knowledge. While evolving in the realm of photography I’m accepting the fact that I have progressed in the last year more than I ever thought I would in my academic endeavors as depicted in my artist post this week. I’m starting to understand that the bridge to reach a higher level is always under construction. As I continue on this path I’ve realized that I’m greatly influenced by Susan Worsham, raised in Virginia and born in the capital city of Virginia, Richmond. An accomplished photographer and after the release of “SOME FOX TRAILS IN VIRGINIA” she was nominated for the Santa Fe Prize for Photography. Over her career she has received many awards and continues to show her body of work in private collections and exhibits in various museums. Like Ms. Worsham’s “BY THE GRACE OF GOD”, I plan to continue balancing my equilibrium in photography knowledge.

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