Sunday, May 5, 2013

Alex Clark, 5/5/13, Images for Critique

Taking 250 pictures was very easy this week.  These images were taken within the front yard and the back yard of my home.  Each photograph was edited using the method that was taught in class.  Just like the two previous weeks, I have been emulating Terri Weifenbach.  The first image possesses a flowering bush and is similar to Weifenbach's picture of the same type of plant.  The second image has a pink flower, and it emulates Weifenbach's photograph of a similar variety of flower.  The third and fourth images show two different types of trees.  Both images emulate the photographer's way of positioning and focusing the camera at a tree or several trees.  The final image shows a fence, a tree, and part of a truck.  This photograph is imitating Terri Weifenbach's pictures that have fences within the image.

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